JavaScript Rules

Web Metrics Framework

Recently Google Web Metrics report came across and inspired by my co-worker Stoyan Stefanov’s WTF - Web Testing Framework I decided to build my own ruleset for YSlow using these metrics to check how good or bad pages are compared to Top and All Sites averages. Last edition of O’Reilly...

New posts about performance. Back and alive!

After a long period of no posts due to personal issues, I’m back now and alive!This time with a new post on YDN - Yahoo! Developer Network - blog: Performance on Yahoo! Search for Earth Day.In this post I describe the performance case study of Yahoo! Search Earth Day campaign....

Finding prime numbers with Javascript

A few days ago I introduced a friend of mine Jorge Rocha to SPOJ an online judge system for user-submitted programs, one of the first problems that he tried was the Prime Generator it consisted in finding all primes in a given range of numbers, after some time and few...

JavaScript Challenge Revisited: Lotto Number Generator in Chains

Matthias Reuter from United Coders proposed a JavaScript Challenge: A Lotto Number Generator which the rules follow: Write a JavaScript function that generates random lotto numbers. This function has to return an array of six different numbers from 1 to 49 (including both) in ascending order. You may use features...

YUI 3 first release is out

I’m more than pleased to announce that the 3rd generation of YUI is finally out, I’ve been following closely the YUI project ever since I joined Yahoo! almost 4 years ago and since then the framework has evolved incredibly, the 3rd version announced today is a complete redesign, the framework...

Harnessing the juice out of Yahoo! Pipes

While working on my current project at Yahoo! I had the need to aggregate different search feeds, the requirement was to have a way to pass a param to the url like search=search_term, and this would be passed along to the the feeds and it would return results from all...

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